Australia's Public Holidays

Stay informed about public holidays across Australia, including dates, origins, and related traditions for each state and territory.

Welcome to Australian Public Holidays

Planning your year around Australia’s public holidays just got easier! At Australian Public Holidays, we provide a comprehensive guide to public holidays across all states and territories, helping you stay informed and prepared. Whether you’re scheduling a family getaway, planning a long weekend, or simply curious about the traditions behind these special days, our easy-to-navigate site has everything you need.

From national holidays like Australia Day and Anzac Day to region-specific celebrations such as the Royal Queensland Show and the Melbourne Cup, we cover it all. Explore detailed calendars, holiday histories, and up-to-date schedules for each state and territory. No matter where you are in Australia, we’ve got the information you need to make the most of your time off.

Public Holidays 2025

This page contains a calendar of all 2024 public holidays for Australia. These dates may be modified as official changes are announced, so please check back regularly for updates. Scroll down to view the national list or choose your state’s calendar.


1 JanWedNew Year’s DayNational
8 JanWedDevonport CupTAS
27 JanMonAustralia Day HolidayNational
10 FebMonRoyal Hobart RegattaTAS
26 FebWedLaunceston CupTAS
3 MarMonLabour DayWA
4 MarTueKing Island ShowTAS
10 MarMonLabour DayVIC
10 MarMonCanberra DayACT
10 MarMonAdelaide Cup DaySA
10 MarMonEight Hours DayTAS
18 AprFriGood FridayNational
19 AprSatDay following Good FridayNational except TAS & WA
20 AprSunEaster SundayNational except NT, SA & TAS
21 AprMonEaster MondayNational
22 AprTueEaster Tuesday *TAS
25 AprFriAnzac DayNational
5 MayMonLabour DayQLD
5 MayMonMay DayNT
2 JunMonWestern Australia DayWA
2 JunMonReconciliation DayACT
9 JunMonKing’s BirthdayNational except QLD & WA
4 JulFriAlice Springs Show DayNT
11 JulFriTennant Creek Show DayNT
18 JulFriKatherine Show DayNT
25 JulFriDarwin Show DayNT
4 AugMonPicnic DayNT
13 AugWedEkka Wednesday *QLD
15 AugFriBorroloola Show DayNT
TBA AFL Grand Final FridayVIC
29 SepMonKing’s BirthdayWA
3 OctFriBurnie ShowTAS
6 OctMonLabour DayACT, NSW & SA
6 OctMonKing’s BirthdayQLD
9 OctThuRoyal Launceston ShowTAS
17 OctFriFlinders Island ShowTAS
23 OctThuRoyal Hobart ShowTAS
3 NovMonRecreation DayTAS
4 NovTueMelbourne Cup Day *VIC
28 NovFriDevonport ShowTAS
24 DecWedChristmas Eve *NT, QLD & SA
25 DecThuChristmas DayNational
26 DecFriBoxing DayNational except SA
26 DecFriProclamation DaySA
31 DecWedNew Year’s Eve *NT & SA
The dates in this table are from multiple sources. Please choose your state below to view original source.

— South Australia and Northern Territory have a part-day public holiday for Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve from 7 pm to 12 midnight.
— Queensland has a part-day public holiday for Christmas Eve from 6 pm to midnight.
— Easter Tuesday is a restricted public holiday in Tasmania. Observed by some awards/agreements and the State Public Service. To check award ring Fair Work Infoline on 131394.
— Ekka Wednesday is observed in Brisbane area only.
— Melbourne Cup Day is observed in all of Victoria unless alternate local holiday has been arranged by non-metro council.

Choose your state or territory

Australian Capital TerritorySouth Australia
New South WalesTasmania
Northern TerritoryVictoria
QueenslandWestern Australia

Holidays per State

Find holidays in Australian Capital Territory Northern Territory New South Wales Queensland South Australia Tasmania Victoria
Current Year


Previous Years

Public holidays vary from state to state, and we understand how tricky it can be to keep track. That’s why we’ve created state-specific pages and yearly calendars to simplify your search. Want to know when the next public holiday is? Need a calendar for 2025 or beyond? We’ve got you covered with accurate, regularly updated information.

Discover the meaning behind Australia’s beloved holidays, their cultural significance, and how they’re celebrated nationwide. Don’t miss our featured articles and holiday tips to help you make the most of these days, whether for relaxation or reflection. Bookmark our site today and let us keep you informed about everything public holiday-related in Australia.

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